CyberInflight is proud to be a founding member of the EU Space ISAC

CyberInflight is thankful to the new EU Space Information Sharing and Analysis Centre (ISAC), and along with the other founding members. CyberInflight aims to keep raising awareness in the space cybersecurity field and enhancing the resilience of the European space systems and services.

The EU Space ISAC is a network of EU companies from the space sector who are willing to develop their expertise to better prevent, tackle and mitigate security-related challenges, including cybersecurity. The initiative was specifically designed to promote collaboration, raise awareness, share information and best practices among members to strengthen their resilience and protection against security threats.

The EU Space ISAC held its inaugural Board Meeting on 24 April 2024. Co-chaired by the European Commission and EUSPA, the EU Space ISAC Board consists of 12 founding members representing both large industrial groups and small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) from France, Germany, Italy and Spain.

Our intern Valentine Crepineau just came back from the ESA Academy Cybersecurity training course

ESA Academy has selected 30 highly motivated Bachelor and Master students to attend the Cybersecurity Training Course 2024.

In this training session, students will explore an introductory course that delves into cybersecurity threats and risks, specifically tailored to the space sector.
This will be followed by an immersion in security engineering for space systems that prioritizes cyber protection alongside operational risk management for cybersecurity.
Students will acquire hands-on experience in securing space communication systems and develop an understanding of overall cybersecurity monitoring and mitigation against threats.

Valentine learnt so many things, and had to elaborate, with her team, a fictional navigation constellation mission orbiting around planet Mars.

They ended up having the Jury’s congratulations.

Overall, students acquired hands-on experience in securing space communication systems.

A big thank you to the ESA Academy for receiving Valentine!

#ESA #ESAAcademy #Cybersecurity

CyberInflight was at Space Symposium 2024, Colorado

The 39th edition of Space Symposium, the biggest aerospace symposium in America, took place on April 8-11, 2024.

CyberInflight presented the « Space & Cyber session” at the CNES booth during this symposium. Florent RIZZO provided insights into the cyberspace ecocystem and its main trends based on CyberInflight research.

We want to thank Julien Airaud and the CNES team for giving us this opportunity and mobilizing all of their efforts to make this possible!

Thank you all to the ones who came to listen and discuss with us, this was such a good experience.

CyberInflight was present at Space ISAC in Colorado Springs on 8th April

Florent RIZZO and Matthias POPOFF were proud to present at the Members Only session a Review of global and Russian space cybersecurity ecosystems!

Over the past 2 years, the cyberspace ecosystem has undergone a profound transformation. The evolution of the threat landscape is prompting space stakeholders to structure themselves from organizational, technical, and regulatory perspectives.

This presentation aimed to provide an overview of the cyberspace ecosystem based on CyberInflight research.

Since the late 2010s, Russia’s cyberspace security ecosystem has been experiencing a new dynamic, accelerated by the outbreak of war in Ukraine. The aim here was to show how its evolution differs from Western ecosystems. The characteristics of this ecosystem have been presented, and its strengths and weaknesses have been determined and explained due to the post-February 2022 context.

Thank you to the people who joined, and don’t forget to stay tuned for the next event!

#SpaceISAC #SpaceSymposium #CyberInflight #CyberSpace

The team is growing

We’re thrilled to welcome Juliette Bignon, our new intern, in our CyberInflight’s team this week

She will help us for 5 months on our market intelligence studies. Juliette has an International Relations Master’s Degree from the Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3, specialized in International Risks Expertise

Welcome Juliette!

L’espace: la frontière finale de la cybersécurité

Nous sommes ravis de partager la tribune « Parole d’Expert » de Matthias POPOFF, analyste marché chez CyberInflight, publié par le CyberCercle.

Les enjeux majeurs en matière de cybersécurité appliquée au spatial y sont présentés, un sujet d’une importance capitale à une époque où la technologie et l’espace sont de plus en plus interconnectés.

Au programme :
– La jonction du cyber et du spatial au carrefour des compétences
– Le spatial à l’épreuve de la guerre en Ukraine
– L’état de l’art de la cybersécurité spatiale
– La place du cyberspatial dans la conduite des opérations

L’article est consultable sur:

#Cybersécurité #Espace #Technologie #Satellite #ParoleDExpert #Cybercercle

Space ISAC – Colorado Springs

Quelques photos de la visite de notre CEO Florent Rizzo dans les locaux du Space ISAC à Colorado Springs.

Le Space ISAC est hébergé au sein du National Cybersecurity Center (NCC).

Merci à l’équipe du Space ISAC pour leur accueil et aux experts présents dans leur Watch Center.

Florent Rizzo a également eu la chance d’être présent le jour de la visite du sénateur John Hickenlooper qui est venu visiter les locaux du Space ISAC pour évoquer les enjeux de cybersécurité des PMEs ainsi que la difficulté de formation des experts en cyber… Beaucoup de parallèles ont été fait avec l’Europe, et notamment le RGPD/GDPR Européen a été cité à maintes reprises comme une référence.

Un grand merci au Space ISAC pour leur confiance et leur accueil

#space #cybersecurity #cyberinflight #isac

DEFCON / Aerospace Village / Hack-a-Sat

La Defcon et son Aerospace Village : un évènement exceptionnel !

Notre CEO Florent Rizzo a assisté ce DEFCON 31 à Las Vegas

Une petite synthèse en photos avant un debrief plus complet :
– Interview de Chris Roberts : la “légende” repentie du hacking dans l’aéro qui a exprimé comment il aurait pu mieux faire les choses à l’époque…
– CyberInflight cité par nos amis de Aerospace Corporation pour notre contribution au framework SPARTA Merci Brandon Bailey !
– La White House appelle à une harmonisation de la réglementation cyber
– Server status : un des challenge de hack-a-sat. Il y a un leak de pointeur sur cette page (que vous pouvez voir) et qui a donné un indice aux équipes sur la façon de procéder
– Synthèse de 4 derniers hack-a-sat
– Ambiance électrique lors du dernier jour