Gouvernance de la cybersécurité des programmes spatiaux

Ce jeudi 29 juin, Cyberinflight était présent au COMET CYBER, un évènement dédié à la gouvernance de la cybersécurité des programmes spatiaux

#space #cybersecurity.

Florent Rizzo, fondateur et PDG de Cyberinflight a animé une présentation avec Paul Varela sur le sujet « RETEX Space ISAC US / EU avec EUSPA ».

Cyberinflight tient à remercier le CNES pour l’organisation de ce bel évènement.

Russian space sector and DDoS attacks in 2022

The information below is issued from several Russian media, it should therefore be treated with great caution

During the months following the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Roscosmos experienced several waves of DDoS attacks.

Roscosmos specified that on March 3rd and 4th, 2022, the websites of state-owned companies and industrial enterprises were subjected to a massive hashtag#cyberattack from abroad, originating from different IP addresses registered in various Western countries, mainly the United States, Canada, Sweden, the Netherlands, and Australia. Specifically, we are referring to the sources of Energuya, the M.V. Khrunichev Center, TsENKI, the Russian Space Systems (RKS) company, TsNIIMash, ISS-Reshenyov, and Uralvagonzavod.

In June 2022, the website of the Russian hashtag#space agency was once again targeted by a DDoS attack, which occurred after the publication of satellite images of NATO member countries “decision centers”, said Dmitry Strougovets, the head of the state-owned company’s press service.

Ivan Grigorov, the acting director of the “Zarya” Scientific and Technical Center (the parent organization of Roscosmos for information hashtag#security ), stated that “DDoS attacks are the third most common among cyberattacks (attempts at malware injection and hashtag#network analysis being the first and second). The trend is remarkable: in the past six months, more of these attacks have been recorded than in 2021”.

Cyberattacks on the space industry around the world rose sharply following the outbreak of war in Ukraine. CyberInflight has carried out extensive data collection and analysis through several databases.

In case you and your organization are interested to purchase one or more database, contact us at this adress : research@cyberinflight.com

Strengthening Satellite Cybersecurity with the Space Force Space Development Agency

The Space Development Agency (SDA) of the Space Force is making significant progress in enhancing cybersecurity applied to the space domain. The SDA has entrusted SAIC with the task of developing and maintaining a cloud-based “application factory.” This platform will be responsible for designing, developing, testing, and deploying “cyber-resilient” battle management, command, and control communications (BMC3) software for upcoming low Earth orbit satellites.

SAIC’s application factory will serve as a central hub for testing and deploying mission-specific software, ensuring interoperability within a modular framework. This innovative approach will even enable satellite upgrades in orbit, highlighting the importance of cybersecurity in space operations.

SAIC’s work does not stop there. They will develop “compute modules” for the BMC3 hashtag#software, ensuring that satellites can exchange information amongst themselves and, most importantly, with ground operators. The software environment of the application factory will be used to develop these modules and verify their functionality.

The SDA contract, valued at up to $64 million over four years, mandates that SAIC will develop, implement, and maintain the hashtag#architecture and infrastructure necessary to create a “clearing house” for other contractors who are developing mission-specific applications.

The emphasis on cybersecurity by the SDA and SAIC not only strengthens the safety of space systems but also reinforces resilience of hashtag#space infrastructures against #cyber_threats.

“The most corrupted network [the Directorate] had ever seen”

Ten years ago, a major cyberattack was discovered on the Australian company NewSat.

The hashtag#network had to be rebuilt from scratch in secret. That work took almost a year and cost nearly $1 million.

One former tech employee at the company told the press it was understood by the staff that NewSat had sensitives communications interception equipments in its data centre (including highly confidential plans for a privately financed geostationary communications satellite). Because of the company’s state of information hashtag#security, the Australian Government had refused to hand NewSat a restricted NSA hashtag#encryption tool for its satellites.

Intelligence services have stated that in these cases, they suspect the attackers were sponsored by China.

“Given we were up against China, state-sponsored, a lot of money behind them and a lot of resources and we were only a very small IT team, it certainly wasn’t a fair fight for us”, said Newsat’s former IT manager Daryl Peter.

While the company has carried communications for resources and fossil fuel companies, as well as the US military’s campaign in Afghanistan, Mr Peter said the real target for the cyber infiltration was its plans for a Lockheed Martin-designed hashtag#satellite dubbed Jabiru-1.

“The way it was described to us was they are so deep inside our network it’s like we had someone sitting over our shoulder for anything we did” said Daryl Peter.

Cybersecurity issues in the hashtag#space sector have taken a new turn recently, but they are not new. This attack demonstrates that hashtag#cyber espionage activities against space infrastructures have been used intensively since the early 2010s.

The number of cyberattacks targeting the space sector every year continues to rise. CyberInflight collects and analyzes these attacks as well as threat actors and cybersecurity organizations involved in the space sector. This research and information analysis can be found in our market intelligence report on space cybersecurity.

For further information about our report or our set of databases, please contact us at the following address: research@cyberinflight.com